Portal do Governo Brasileiro

The Reconcavo Archaeological Research Group was created in 2010 by the Federal University of Reconcavo of Bahia. It is registered at the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development as a group of institutional research.

The Reconcavo Archaeological Research Group is focused on developing archeology in this region, training of new professionals, developing science communication activities and heritage education. The group will provide supporting and consulting for activities that may impact the archaeological heritage of the region.

The lines of research developed by the Group are: cemeterial studies in the Reconcavo, archaeological heritage management, museum and archaeology.

The Group is composed of professors from the Museology program, with background in Archeology, as well as undergraduate students and administrative assistants.

The group is headquartered in the Documentation and Archaeology Laboratory located at May 13 Street, in the Foundation Hansen Bahia building, downtown of Cachoeria, Bahia.

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